the Adirondacks:
Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walks
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

List of Birds Seen at the Paul Smiths VIC
Join John and Pat Thaxton, Adirondack bird guides and NYS Licensed Guides, from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM on a Bird Walk to search for the VIC's summer resident birds. By June, the birds are setting up nesting territory, singing, and showing off their mating displays. You will be challenged to see and hear many of the bird species identified by a young Teddy Roosevelt in his research while visiting Paul Smiths in the 1870s (See: Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. The summer birds of the Adirondacks in Franklin County, NY). To get a preview of the bird species usually observed along the VIC trails for specific dates, check out the Trip Reports (below) from previous bird walks.
Birders meet at the VIC building at 9:00 AM. The cost is $20/person. Free for Friends of the VIC Warblers; $15 for Friends of the VIC. This program is made possible through donations from Friends of the VIC. Please call (518) 327-6241 to preregister.
Bird walks during the summer of 2016 are scheduled for the following dates:
- Thursday, 9 June
- Thursday, 16 June
- Thursday, 23 June
- Saturday, 25 June
- Thursday, 30 June
- Saturday, 2 July
- Thursday, 7 July
- Thursday, 14 July
- Saturday, 16 July
- Thursday, 21 July
- Saturday, 23 July
- Thursday, 28 July
Guides: John & Pat Thaxton are both experienced Adirondack bird guides, New York State Licensed Guides, and Adirondack 46ers. They are members of the American Birding Association and the New York State Ornithological Association. For The Second Atlas of Breeding Birds in New York State, 2000-2005 (Cornell University Press), John & Pat covered 25 atlas blocks, which included most of the Adirondack High Peaks. They have been leading professional birding trips in the Adirondacks for over 10 years.
Birding at the VIC: Designated an Important Bird Area by the American Bird Conservancy, the 3,000-acre Paul Smith’s College VIC property contains every habitat type found in the Adirondack Park with the exception of alpine vegetation. Included on the property is a 60-acre marsh, five ponds, several brooks and swamps, bogs, fens, and varied forest types, most notably northern boreal forest. The 25-mile trail system traverses a variety of habitats with extensive boardwalks through wetland ecosystems. Common sightings at the Paul Smiths VIC include: Wood Duck, American Black Duck, Great Blue Heron, American Bittern, Olive-sided Flycatcher, and Yellow-bellied Flycatcher. Warblers include (Yellow) Palm Warbler, Northern Parula, Blackburnian Warbler, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, and Nashville Warbler. Other sightings may include Gray Jay, Boreal Chickadee, Wilson’s Snipe, Broad-winged Hawk, Hooded Merganser, Black-backed Woodpecker, and Ring-necked Duck. Click here for a list of birds seen along the various trails at the Paul Smiths VIC.
Trip Reports from the 2015 Spring & Summer Bird Walks
- Trip Report from the 23 May 2015 Bird Walk
- Trip Report from the 30 May 2015 Bird Walk
- Trip Report from the 13 June 2015 Bird Walk
- Trip Report from the 20 June 2015 Bird Walk
- Trip Report from the 27 June 2015 Bird Walk
- Trip Report from the 4 July 2015 Bird Walk
- Trip Report from the 11 July 2015 Bird Walk
Trip Reports from the 2014 Spring & Summer Bird Walks
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (17 May 2014)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (24 May 2014)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (31 May 2014)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (14 June 2014)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (21 June 2014)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (5 July 2014)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (12 July 2014)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (19 July 2014)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (26 July 2014)
Trip Reports from the 2013 Fall Bird Walks
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (7 September 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (11 September 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (14 September 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (18 September 2013)
Trip Reports from the 2013 Spring & Summer Bird Walks
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (4 May 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (8 May 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (22 May 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (8 June 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (15 June 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (29 June 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (6 July 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (18 July 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (20 July 2013)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (27 July 2013)
Trip Reports from the 2012 Fall Bird Walks
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (12 September 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (19 September 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (22 September 2012)
Trip Reports from the 2012 Summer Bird Walks
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (16 May 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (19 May 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (23 May 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (26 May 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (30 May 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (7 June 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (10 June 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (16 June 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (23 June 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (28 June 2012)
- Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk (30 June 2012)
Trip Reports from the 2011 Summer Bird Walks