Birding the Adirondacks:
Roosevelt Bird Walk
6 July 2011

Adirondack Birding Center Director Brian McAllister led a bird walk on the Jenkins Mountain Trail on 6 July 2011. The walk was part of the "TR" Birding Series. The walk began at 8:00 AM, when we met at the parking lot at the Paul Smith's College VIC. A light rain inhibited our ability to hear the birds for the first twenty minutes or so of the walk, but the weather cleared up a bit later on.
The highlight of the walk was a close-up sighting of two beautiful warblers: the Chestnut-sided Warbler and the Mourning Warbler. We saw both birds in an area near Plot 7, which had been cleared about a decade ago and is now growing in, producing the kind of thick underbrush both these birds favor.
We heard the following birds near the parking area:
Red-eyed Vireo | American Robin |
Magnolia Warbler | Northern Parula |

In the woods on the Jenkins Mountain Trail, we saw or heard the following birds: