Hiking Trails in the Adirondacks:
Woods and Waters Trail
This page is no longer being updated. For an updated and expanded version of this material, see: Adirondack Nature Trails: Woods and Waters Trail |

The Woods and Waters Trail is three-mile long trail through varied Adirondack habitats, including conifer forest, mixed deciduous-conifer forest, and wetland. The trail offers scenic views of Heron Marsh and two Adirondack ponds: Black Pond and Little Black Pond
The trail begins near the VIC building back entrance, meandering through mixed forest. Wildflowers which thrive in this section of the trail include Canada Mayflower and Helleborine Orchid. Blue-headed Vireo, Black-capped Chickadee, and Hairy Woodpecker may be observed here. The habitat shifts gradually to a mostly coniferous forest, mainly Eastern White Pine and Red Spruce. Wildflowers along the path include Wintergreen, Pipsissewa, and Bunchberry.
The trail leads downward and to the right intersecting with the Heron Marsh Trail at the floating bridge. This section provides excellent views of Heron Marsh. Steeplebush, Pickerelweed, White Water-lily, and Yellow Pond Lily grow on and near the edges of the marsh. Tamarack and Black Spruce thrive on the marsh edges. American Black Duck, Mallard, Ring-necked Duck, Great Blue Heron, and North American River Otter can be observed from the bridge.
The trail then shifts to the right, up from the marsh, sharing the same corridor with the Heron Marsh Trail. Goldthread, Dewdrop, and Hobblebush thrive along the path. Take the left hand intersection, turning west. You will pass two well-marked intersections with the Easy Street Trail, then two intersections with the Silvi Trail.
The Woods and Waters Trail then connects with the Logger’s Loop Trail and briefly follows the same wide gravel logging road, home to several sun-loving plants such as Flat-Topped White Aster and Queen Anne's Lace. You then take a left at a well-marked intersection. The trail weaves through mixed forest, then mostly hardwood forest, before nearing Little Black Pond on your right. A short connecting path on your right leads to the shores of Little Black Pond.
The next connector path brings you to a lean-to and a bridge between Black Pond and Little Black Pond. Black Pond is a 72-acre pond favored by paddlers and those fishing for brook trout. Little Black Pond is a small pond to the east. The lean-to is for day use only. Look for Great Blue Heron and Common Loon on both of these ponds. You can take a left here onto the Black Pond Trail or continue on the Woods and Waters Trail another half-mile to Keese Mill Road.
The walking is easy, with a few small hills. In winter, the Woods and Waters Trail becomes a classic cross-country ski trail. Follow the red trail markers.