Hiking Trails in the Adirondacks:
Bobcat Trail
This page is no longer being updated. For an updated and expanded version of this material, see: Adirondack Nature Trails: Bobcat Trail |

The Bobcat Trail is a 1.25 mile path connecting the VIC building with the Paul Smith’s College Campus. The trail can be accessed either from the Logger’s Loop Trail near the VIC building or from the Keese Mills Road trailhead, across from the Saunders Sports Complex on the PSC Campus.
The northern portion of the trail (close to the VIC building) runs roughly parallel to State Route 30. It is a pleasant, fern-lined trail through mainly coniferous forest. The trail then curves right and leads downhill toward Heron Marsh. It intersects with the Heron Marsh Trail just south of the floating bridge.
The two trails run concurrently along the edge of Heron Marsh, providing excellent views of the Marsh and the bird species that make their home on and near it, including Song Sparrow, Winter Wren, American Black Duck, Ring-necked Duck, Mallard, and Great Blue Heron. Wildflowers which thrive on this section of the trail include Cow-wheat, Wintergreen, Bunchberry, Shinleaf, and Helleborine Orchid. Wetland wildflowers may be observed on the margins of Heron Marsh, including Pickerelweed, White Water-lily, Steeplebush, and Yellow Pond Lily.
The Bobcat Trail then curves off to the left at a well-marked intersection. The trail meanders through mainly coniferous forest. Wildflowers that flourish on this section of the trail include Dewdrop (False Violet) and Goldthread. The trail then turns to the right to run along the power line for a short distance until it reaches the Keese Mills Road.
In the winter, the Bobcat Trail becomes a classic cross-country ski trail. Follow the orange trail markers.