Birding the Adirondacks:
Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk
18 July 2013

Adirondack Birding Center Director Brian McAllister led a bird walk on the Boreal Life Trail and the Barnum Brook Trail on 18 July 2013. The walk was part of the "TR" Birding Series. The walk began at 9:00 AM, when we met in the VIC building at the Paul Smith's College VIC. It was a hot, humid day with a mixture of clouds and sun. We saw or heard a total of 27 birds. Highlights of the walk included some good views of a male Magnolia Warbler and a Purple Finch in the VIC parking lot. We also had good views of a group of Golden-crowned Kinglets near Barnum Bog and a Lincoln's Sparrow on the bog.
In the parking lot and near the VIC building, we saw or heard the following birds:
American Robin | Blue-headed Vireo |
Red-eyed Vireo | Ovenbird |
Cedar Waxwing | Northern Parula |
Magnolia Warbler | Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Purple Finch | Black-capped Chickadee |
American Crow | Yellow-rumped Warbler |
On the Boreal Life Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
On the Barnum Brook Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
Red-eyed Vireo | Cedar Waxwing |
Swamp Sparrow | Northern Parula |
American Bittern | Common Yellowthroat |
also observed many summer-flowering wildflowers in bloom, including: