Birding the Adirondacks:
Roosevelt Bird Walk
2 July 2011

Adirondack Birding Center Director Brian McAllister led a bird walk on the Boreal Life Trail on 2 July 2011. The walk was part of the "TR" Birding Series. The walk began at 8:00 AM, when we met at the parking lot at the Paul Smith's College VIC.
The highlight of the walk was a sighting of three Gray Jays (two adults and a juvenile, the latter still in his dark sooty plumage) on the path above the lookout on Barnum Pond. We also had a nice close-up view of a Common Yellowthroat (by the Barnum Pond lookout) and of a male Osprey doing an aerial courtship display.
We heard the following birds near the parking area:
Red-eyed Vireo | Chipping Sparrow |
Ruffed Grouse | Northern Parula |
Cedar Waxwing | American Robin |
Black-capped Chickadee |
In the woods on the Boreal Life Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
Adirondack Wetlands: Barnum Bog at the Paul Smiths VIC
Along the board walk, we heard or saw the following birds
Red-eyed Vireo | Nashville Warbler |
Lincoln's Sparrow | Mourning Dove |
Palm Warbler | Cedar Waxwing |
Alder Flycatcher | Swamp Sparrow |
Osprey | Broad-winged Hawk |
Paul Smiths VIC: St. Regis Mountain from the Barnum Pond overlook
On Barnum Pond, we saw or heard the following birds:
Turkey Vulture | Savannah Sparrow |
Olive-sided Flycatcher | Common Yellowthroat |
Swamp Sparrow |

We also identified a large number of plants and wildflowers, including:
- Grass Pink
- Rose Pogonia
- Sheep Laurel
- Labrador Tea
- Bog Laurel
- Pitcher Plant
- Bog Rosemary
- Roundleaf Sundew
- Tamarack (American Larch)
- Black Spruce
- Common Wood Sorrel
- Creeping Snowberry (not blooming)
- Buckbean
- Marsh Cinquefoil