Birding the Adirondacks:
Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk
19 May 2012

Adirondack Birding Center Director Brian McAllister led a bird walk on the Heron Marsh Trail, the Shingle Mill Falls Trail, the Forest Ecology Trail, and the Barnum Brook Trail on 19 May. We met at 9 AM in the VIC building at the Paul Smith's College VIC. Highlights of the walk included some excellent views of the Blue-headed Vireo and the Black-throated Blue Warbler, as well as a close encounter with a Ruby-throated Hummingbird on the overlook on the Barnum Brook Trail. We also had some nice views of two over-flying Mallards.
On the Heron Marsh Trail from the VIC building to the floating bridge, we saw or heard the following birds:
Black-throated Green Warbler | Blue-headed Vireo |
Nashville Warbler | Golden-crowned Kinglet |
Common Merganser | Mallard |
White-throated Sparrow | Swamp sparrow |
Red-winged Blackbird | Hermit Thrush |
Tree Swallow |
On the Heron Marsh Trail from the floating bridge through Shingle Mill Falls,we saw or heard the following birds:
Mallard | Red-winged Blackbird |
Red-Breasted Nuthatch | Magnolia Warbler |
Ring-Necked Duck | Hermit Thrush |
Common Yellowthroat |
On the woodland portion of the Heron Marsh Trail from Shingle Mill Falls to the Heron Marsh boardwalk and from the boardwalk to the intersection with the Barnum Brook Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
On the Barnum Brook Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
Red-winged Blackbird | Black-capped Chickadee |
Swamp Sparrow | Wood Duck |
Ring-Necked Duck | Ruby-throated Hummingbird |
We also observed some very lovely spring wildflowers. The Heron Marsh Trail (in particular, the trail between the Shingle Mill Falls floating bridge and the boardwalk) was abloom with Painted Trillium. Wildflowers seen included:
Painted Trillium (blooming in profusion) | Common Wood Sorrel (not yet in bloom) |
Foam Flower (blooming) | Trout Lily (just out of bloom) |
Goldthread (blooming) | Purple Trillium (blooming) |
Bog Laurel (blooming) | Wild Sarsaparilla (in bud) |
Canada Mayflower (in bud) |