Paul Smiths VIC -- Heron Marsh from the Shingle Mill Falls Trail

Shingle Mill Falls Trail

Paul Smiths Visitor Interpretive Center -- Shingle Mill Falls Trail

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This 0.7 mile loop starts from the Heron Marsh Trail. It begins with a 300-foot pontoon bridge, offering nice views of open water and marshland. The interpretive focus of this trail is the cultural history of the site. You will pass a falls at the dam and an old home site returning to a forest.

Paul Smiths VIC -- Shingle Miill Falls on the Shingle Mill Falls Trail

Birds seen or heard on this trail include:

American Bittern Winter Wren
Red-Breasted Nuthatch Red-winged Blackbird
Mallard Swamp Sparrow
Great Blue Heron Wood Duck
Black-capped Chickadee Ring-Necked Duck
Golden-crowned Kinglet American Black Duck
White-throated Sparrow Blue Jay

Paul Smiths VIC -- Lily pads on Heron Marsh from the Shingle Mill Falls Trail bridge

Plants and wildflowers seen on this trail include:

Sheep Laurel Dewdrop (False Violet)
Dog Bane Pipsissewa
Shinleaf Pickerel Weed
Sheep Laurel Marsh Cinquefoil
Northern Blue Flag Yellow Pond Lily
Goldthread Wintergreen



Web Editor
This unofficial site celebrates the beauty of the scenic trails at the Paul Smith's College Visitor Center.
The Paul Smith's College VIC is located on Route 30 near Paul Smiths, New York.
For more information, call 518-327-6241, or visit the VIC Facebook page.