Birding the Adirondacks:
Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk
19 September 2012

Adirondack Birding Center Director Brian McAllister led a bird walk on the Heron Marsh Trail, the Silviculture Trail, and the Barnum Brook Trail on 19 September 2012. The walk was part of the "TR" Birding Series. The walk began at 8:30 AM, when we met in the VIC building at the Paul Smith's College VIC. It was a cold, blustery fall day, but warmed up toward the end of the walk as the sun came out. We saw or heard a total of 22 birds. Highlights of the walk included some excellent views of a Great Blue Heron on Heron Marsh, from both the overlook on the Heron Marsh Trail and the floating bridge on the Silviculture Trail.
In the parking lot and near the VIC building, we saw or heard the following birds:
American Robin | Mourning Dove |
Dark-eyed Junco | Red-Breasted Nuthatch |
Chipping Sparrow | Northern Flicker |
Black-capped Chickadee | Golden-crowned Kinglet |
On the Heron Marsh Trail,we saw or heard the following birds:
Great Blue Heron | Black-capped Chickadee |
Mallard | Wood Duck |
American Black Duck | American Crow |
Red-Breasted Nuthatch | Golden-crowned Kinglet |
On the Silviculture Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
Great Blue Heron | Blue Jay |
Common Loon | Red-eyed Vireo |
Brown Creeper | Black-capped Chickadee |
Red-Breasted Nuthatch | Mallard |
Golden-crowned Kinglet |
On the Barnum Brook Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
Winter Wren | Blue Jay |
Hermit Thrush | Brown Creeper |
Hairy Woodpecker | Common Raven |
Black-capped Chickadee | Red-Breasted Nuthatch |