Birding the Adirondacks:
Teddy Roosevelt Bird Walk
7 June 2012

Adirondack Birding Center Director Brian McAllister led a bird walk on the Jenkins Mountain Trail and the Boreal Life Trail on 7 June 2012. The walk was part of the "TR" Birding Series. The walk began at 9:00 AM, when we met in the VIC building at the Paul Smith's College VIC. We saw or heard a total of 30 birds. Highlights of the walk included some excellent views of the colorful Scarlet Tanager on the Jenkins Mountain Trail, as well as some good views of an Ovenbird, a Blue-headed Vireo, a Yellow-rumped Warbler, and a Hermit Thrush. We also had some nice, close-up views of a White-throated Sparrow on Barnum Bog.
In the parking lot and from the VIC building deck, we saw or heard the following birds:
On the Jenkins Mountain Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
On the Boreal Life Trail, we saw or heard the following birds:
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Alder Flycatcher |
Palm Warbler | White-throated Sparrow |
Song Sparrow | Common Yellowthroat |
Nashville Warbler | Black-throated Green Warbler |
Ovenbird |
We also observed a number of wildflowers in bloom:
Buckbean | Starflower |
Bunchberry | Labrador Tea |
Clintonia | Wild Sarsaparilla |
Canada Mayflower | Common Wood Sorrel |
Cotton Grass | Pitcher Plant |