Science, Art, and Music in the Mountains:
The Land, The People, The Climate
Saturday, 26 April 2014
10 AM - 5 PM

Paul Smith's College and TAUNY (Traditional Arts in Upstate New York) will hold a day-long festival celebrating Science, Art, and Music in the Mountains on 26 April. The event features musical performances by North Country musicians Peggy Lynn, Dan Berggren, Celia Evans, Jamie Savage, and Larry Montague; presentations on Adirondack climate-related topics; a panel on climate in the Adirondacks; traditional folk and visual arts; maple syrup and refreshments; and a showing of "Green Fire" -- an award-winning documentary on Aldo Leopold and the land ethnic he inspired.
Admission is $5 per person. Friends of the VIC, VIC Ski Season Pass holders, TAUNY members, and PSC students, faculty, and staff are admitted free. This program is underwritten by the Friends of the VIC.
SAM Fest 2014 - Schedule | |
10:00 - 11:00 AM | |
Curt Stager: Introduction | |
Jamie Savage (PSC alum): Adirondack music | |
PSC Climate Communication students: presentation for local artists | |
Lee Ann Sporn (PSC faculty): visual arts and science | |
11:00 AM - Noon | |
Dan Berggren: Adirondack music | |
PSC Climate Communication students: presentation for musicians | |
Celia Evans (PSC faculty): Adirondack music | |
Noon - 1:00 PM | |
Tim Sellati (Trudeau Institute): Lyme disease and climate | |
PSC Climate Communication students: presentation for Lyme researchers | |
Peggy Lynn (PSC alum): Adirondack music | |
1:00 - 2:00 PM | |
Liz Stookey Sunde (Music2Life): music for change | |
PSC Climate Communication students: presentation for Fish & Game Club | |
Larry Montague (PSC alum): salmon research, environmental hip-hop | |
2:00 - 3:00 PM | |
David Press (PSC faculty): film and communication | |
Student Climate Panel (SUNY Potsdam, SUNY Canton, PSC) | |
David Patrick (PSC faculty): frogs and climate | |
3:00 - 4:00 PM | |
Curt Stager (PSC faculty): how arts enhance science, & vice versa | |
Craig Milewski (PSC faculty): poetry in the wilds | |
Steve Dunsky (USFS): introduction to Green Fire; how film arts serve science communication | |
4:00 - 5:00 PM | |
Showing of Green Fire | |
Ongoing | |
Sunroom and classrooms: Traditional Arts in NY activities & displays (TAUNY, Jill Breit) | |
Gallery: New Moon Show: The SAMFest Exhibition: Art About the Land, the People, & the Climate (30 March - 27 April 2014). Regional artists Sandra Hildreth, Lee Ann Sporn, Meg Bernstein, Tim Fortune, Burdette Parks, PSC students, and others. | |
Sugar Shack: Refreshments (VIC staff & Nori's Village Market) | |
Lobby: CD/book/video sales (VIC staff) |