Sunday Afternoon Live Music and Ski Series:
Celia Evans in concert
26 January 2014

Weekends are for music at the VIC!
The Sunday Afternoon Live Music and Ski Series begins Sunday, 26 January, and features singer/songwriter Celia Evans singing original music in the Great Room at the VIC from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
Celia Evans is a singer and songwriter whose folk melodies, both traditional and contemporary, are rich in images celebrating the Adirondacks. Her lyrical stories, however, are not limited to any one place. Her lyrics touch on love, family, gratitude, and philosophy. She has released four CDs:
- Yellow Balloon (2003)
- So Many Seasons (2006)
- Hardwood (2010)
- The Road (2012)
Grab your skis, boots, and poles and head to the VIC for a fun afternoon of skiing and music Entry is free with your ski pass. Underwritten by Friends of the VIC.