The Adirondack Rural Skills & Homesteading Festival
Saturday, 28 September 2013

September 2013 is the second International Homesteading Education Month. To mark the event, the Paul Smiths VIC is hosting a celebration of rural skills showcasing the talents of a bygone era with a distinctly Adirondack flair. Exhibitions include logging and farming with draft horses and a demonstration of competitive lumberjack sports by the Paul Smith's College Woodsmen's Team . Workshops appeal to a wide range of interests, such as canning, cider making, woodworking, renewable energy, cord wood construction, small-scale farming, heating with firewood, and primitive skills.
The festivities take place from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. $5/person or $10/carload. Free for the Paul Smith's College community.
Workshop Schedule | |
9:00 AM` | 5K Homesteaders’ Challenge |
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Cider Pressing: PSC Sustainability Office |
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Butter Making: PSC Sustainability Office |
10:00 AM | The Backyard Mycologist: A Field Walk -- Adirondack Mycology Club |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM | Food Preservation and Pressure Canning for the Homestead- Karen Armstrong, CCE |
10:30 AM, 2:30 PM, & 4:30 PM | Paul Smith's College Woodsmen's Team Exhibitions |
10:30 AM | Marketing your Poultry, Bernadette Logozar, CCE |
11:00 AM | Draft Horse Basics: Selecting the right horse, horse care & feeding, Ali Barner & Jake Shultz (Paul Smith's College Draft Horse Club) |
11:00 AM & 2:00 PM | Canning 101: Elizabeth Harper |
11:30 AM | TP pearl mushroom cultivation workshop: first come, first served (21 participant limit) |
11:30 AM | Learn to Milk a Goat: Adirondack Goat Club, Rose Bartiss |
12:00 PM | The Basics of Fermentation: Cathy Homeyer, Lake Clear Lodge |
12:00 PM | Hunting with Hawks: Mark Manske, Adirondack Raptors |
12:00 PM | Horses on the Homestead: The Original Tractor and Skidder: Live demonstration followed by Q& A, Ali Barner & Jake Shultz (Paul Smith's College Draft Horse Club) |
12:00 PM on | From Tree to Tool: Traditional Longbow Construction: Craig Milewski |
12:30 PM | Cheese Making 101: Adirondack Goat Club, Gail Huston |
12:30 PM | Celia Evans, In Concert |
12:30 PM | Selecting and Raising Ducks & Geese, Bernadette Logozar, CCE |
1:00 PM | Community Store Giveaway -- Sponsored by TRiO SSS and Student Activities |
1:00 PM - 1:45 PM | Featured Presenter: Modern Times Theater perform The Rural Person’s Verbal Reclamation Front, Sponsored by PSC Sustainability office and TRiO Student Support Services |
2:00 PM | Draft Animal Equipment & Applications Slide Presentation, Ali Barner & Jake Shultz (Paul Smith's College Draft Horse Club) |
2:00 PM | Mountain Music Jam: Kary & Curt Stager |
2:00 PM & 3:00 PM | Smoking Local Meats: John Roe |
2:15 PM | Backyard Chickens Part 1: From Chicks to Eggs: David Patrick |
2:45 PM | Backyard Chickens Part 2: The Meat Bird: Jay Ward |
9:00 AM - 4:00 PM | Wood Chopping 101: Secrets of Successful Splitting - Paul Smith’s Forestry Club |
3:00 PM | Firewood Science: Getting the most BTU’s from your woodlot (Brett McLeod) |
3:00 PM | Wild Edibles: Pat Banker |
3:00 PM | Celia Evans, In Concert |
3:30 PM | Adirondack Goat Club: Soap Making 101 |
Ongoing | Cornell Cooperative Extension: Amy Ivy, Fall tips for preparing your spring garden |
Ongoing | Starting a small farm: What you need to know- NRCS |
Ongoing | Tree Climbing 101, Randall Swanson |
Ongoing | Maple World! Learn all about maple production from tapping to cooking with maple: Brushton-Moira FFA |
Ongoing | Rural Life Movie Series, Ongoing in the auditorium |
Ongoing | Small-scale dairy, Beth Donnelly |
Ongoing | Let’s talk Maple! Backyard Sugaring Q&A |
Ongoing | Adirondack Farmers’ Market |
Ongoing | Healthy Kids!- activities and games on eating well, CCE |
Ongoing | Beef cattle for the small farm: Joe Orefice |
Ongoing | Cornell Cooperative Extension, CCE Representative to answer your questions |
Ongoing | Tucker’s Adirondack Corn Maze (Hobart Road, Gabriels) |
Ongoing | Saranac Lake Artworks Artist at Work Tour |
Ongoing | Portable Sawmill Demonstration |
Ongoing | Paul Smith’s Forestry Club Firewood Giveaway -- 11:00 AM, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM |