the Adirondacks:
Warbler ID Workshop
Saturday, 20 June 2015
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

List of Birds Seen at the Paul Smiths VIC
Join VIC naturalist Brian McAllister as we learn to identify those mysterious and hard-to-see warblers that inhabit these beautiful Adirondack forests. Our warblers begin arriving in late April and early May from their winter homes in the south. By the end of May, breeding season is in full swing. By mid- and late-June, the birds are setting up nesting territory, singing, and showing off their mating display. Warblers seen and heard along the VIC trails at this time of year include:
Birders meet at the VIC building at 1:00 PM. The cost is $20/person. Free for Friends of the VIC Warblers; $15 for Friends of the VIC.