Armchair Traveler Lecture Series:
Foyd Lampart: Pedaling for Paws Bike Trip
Thursday, 27 February 2014
7:00 - 8:30 PM

Floyd Lampart, of Lake Clear, circumnavigated the United States on a bicycle as part of his "Pedaling for Paws" fundraiser for the Tri-Lakes Humane Society. A retired land surveyor for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Floyd began the 11,346-mile trip on 4 April 2013, when he left Lake Clear for northern Maine.
During the trip around the perimeter of the lower 48 states, Floyd visited four geographically distant post offices: the most eastern (Lubec, Maine), western (La Push, Washington), southern (Key West, Florida), and northern (Angle Inlet, Minnesota). He pedaled through all kinds of weather, ranging from snow to blistering heat, averaging about 80 miles per day. He mainly camped along the way. He returned home on 2 September in time to volunteer for the 90 mile Adirondack Canoe Classic!
Floyd will present a slide show and answer questions about his epic journey. A portion of the night's proceeds will be donated to the Tri-Lakes Humane Society. Admission is $5 per person. Friends of the VIC and VIC Ski Season Pass holders are admitted free. This program is underwritten by the Friends of the VIC.