the Adirondack Mountains:
Trees of the VIC Exploration Walk
Sunday, 17 May 2015

On 17 May 2015, VIC naturalists led an interpretive nature walk from 10:00 AM to noon, focusing on the trees of the Paul Smiths VIC. We did a counter-clockwise loop of Heron Marsh, beginning with the Barnum Brook Trail, turning left onto the Jenkins Mountain Trail, and left again onto the Heron Marsh Trail. This led us to the 900-foot boardwalk across Heron Marsh and Barnum Brook. We then made another left onto the Woods and Waters Trail, across the floating bridge and then up the hill to the VIC building. This route allowed us to explore trees which thrive in different habitats, including mixed hardwood/coniferous forest, hardwood forest, swamp, and marsh. We identified and discussed 15 different trees which thrive in the Adirondack Mountains:
American Beech | Red Pine |
Balsam Fir | Red Maple |
Black Cherry | Red Spruce |
Black Spruce | Striped Maple |
Eastern Hemlock | Sugar Maple |
Eastern White Pine | Tamarack |
Northern White-cedar | Yellow Birch |
Paper Birch |
In each case, we learned how to identify the tree by appearance (bark, leaves, flowers, fruit, growth habit), habitat, smell, and feel. We also examined the common diseases of each tree, its commercial value, associated wildlife, and medicinal uses. The Trees of the VIC Exploration Walk will be offered again on 31 May.