the Adirondacks:
Moss Walk
1 September 2012

On 1 September, VIC naturalist Brian McAllister led a nature walk on the Boreal Life Trail, focusing on the mosses which flourish in an Adirondack boreal forest. The summer of 2012 was a time of drought in the Adirondacks. The month of August had been quite dry, with little rain in the week or so prior to our walk. As a result, many of the mosses were showing the effects of the dry weather and there were fewer mushrooms than usual. The birds were relatively silent, as they usually are in late summer. We did surprise a Ruffed Grouse and her family on the upland portion of the Boreal Life Trail.
We observed the following on our walk:
Bazzania Trilobata | Lichen |
Red Stem Moss | Stair-step Moss |
Pincushion Moss | Hair-capped Moss |
Sphagnum Moss | Ulota Crispa |
Juniper Hair-cap Moss | Tree Club Moss |
Shining Clubmoss |
We observed the following wildflowers on the upland section of the Boreal Life Trail. There were tiny, white berries on the Creeping Snowberry.
Goldthread | Whorled Wood Aster |
Wintergreen | Starflower |
Common Wood Sorrel | Creeping Snowberry |
Helleborine Orchid |