Quilt Workshop:
Small and Miniature Quilts
22-23 June 2013
Instructor: Karen LiVecchi -- klivecch@optonline.net
Description: Do you have a wall that begs for a small wall quilt, or a dollhouse bedroom that needs a homey touch? Maybe a sleepy baby doll needs an extra comfy quilt. Small and miniature quilts can be quick and easy to make using various methods. They are great for beginning quilters, and offer enough challenge for more experienced quilters. It is an ideal project for using up fat quarters and leftover fabric scraps.
The quilt designs are based on traditional patterns. Participants will be introduced to these patterns and methods of piecing the blocks. Small quilts vary in size; the finished block size ranges from 2” to 5”. Miniature quilt block size is based on the 1:12 dollhouse scale. Participants will learn to paper piece in making a miniature quilt. Paper piecing enables you to put together those small blocks of fabric with precision. Printed paper foundation sheets will be provided for all.
Participants will be able to sew at least one small quilt and one miniature quilt from start to finish, as well as complete other quilt tops. A detailed Supply List may be found here.
- Workshop hours: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM
- Cost: $145.00
- Preregistration is required. Please preregister by Thursday, 20 June. Call 518-327-6241.
Instructor’s Biography: Karen LiVecchi is a retired teacher who has taught Computer Science in the East Moriches Public Schools, as well as adult computer classes, for 25 years. She has a Masters in Educational Computing from SUNY Stony Brook. Over the years Karen has acquired extensive training and leadership expertise in education through various teacher enhancement programs. She has developed and taught several in-service courses for the Teacher Center of the Western Hamptons.
Karen has been a quilter for nine years. She especially enjoys working with traditional patterns. She also enjoys designing and sewing to-scale miniature quilts using Electric Quilt software. Karen teaches quilting workshops for the Eastern Long Island Quilting Guild. As Second Vice President, she also oversees the Members Teaching Members program, which offers workshops taught by Guild members, and has taught a “teacher prep” workshop to assist members in planning and running a quilting workshop. She has attended several quilting weekends at Frost Valley YMCA and continues to take various quilting workshops to build and hone her skills. Karen keeps up with new trends by subscribing to different quilting magazines, collecting new quilting books, and attending quilt shows. Karen considers herself a life-long learner.

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