Adirondack Wetlands:  Heron Marsh at the Paul Smiths VIC (29 June 2014)

Workshops at the VIC:
Birch Basket Class
Thursday, 11 June 2015
10:00 AM

Birch Bark Basket - John ZasadaLearn how to weave a birch bark bread basket that you can actually bake bread in. Each participant will get a chance to weave their own basket from the split outer bark of paper birch harvested in northern Minnesota. The style of weaving is traditional Scandinavian/Russian diagonal plaiting. The basket is double woven, a method of weaving from bottom to top to the size/shape desired and then weaving back down on itself for completion. A splint from black ash is woven into the rim of the basket for added strength. The workshop fee is $75 and is limited to the first 10 participants that sign up. To reserve your space for this incredible opportunity,call Karen at The VIC at 518-327-6241. Please bring the following supplies: scissors, penknife, and 24 "snapper" clothespins.

Instructor's Biography: John Zasada was a research forester for 40+ years in Alaska, Oregon, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. During this time, he became interested in the use of roots, wood, bark, and branches in arts and crafts. Twelve years ago, he enrolled in a Scandinavian bark weaving class at the North House Folk School and has been weaving and studying the craft ever since. He has taught classes in the U.S. and Canada, and he continues to be interested in forestry management and how it affects the availability of high-quality weaving materials.

Explore the VIC

The Paul Smiths VIC offers a wide variety of programs throughout the year to educate and inform Adirondack Park residents and visitors about the natural wonders of the Adirondack Mountains. You can help support these programs by joining the Friends of the VIC. More information on Friends of the VIC memberships

Explore the Trails

The VIC trails are free and open to the public, from dawn to dusk, spring through fall. In winter, the trails are open to cross-country skiers and snowshoers for a fee. Day or season passes may be purchased.