"Sap to Syrup" Maple Activity
22 March & 29 March 2014
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Work with Paul Smith's VIC sugar makers Tom Manitta and Kyle Dash to experience all aspects of the syrup making process. The class is hands on. Participants will monitor sap quality, learn to work with reverse osmosis equipment, assist with the wood-fired evaporator, and draw off a finished batch of VIC maple syrup. The program is part of the New York Maple Weekend. Participants will go home with a pint of fresh maple syrup. $25 per person. Preregistration required. Limited to 10 participants per session.
Contact: Brian McDonnell, bmcdonnell@paulsmiths.edu
This class is part of the VIC's Maple Sugaring Program. The Paul Smith’s College VIC is collaborating with Cornell Maple to expand maple syrup and sugaring opportunities in the region. The goals of the project are to train local producers, promote further growth in the industry, and provide maple syrup production information and education opportunities for the general public.