Children's Nature Programs:
Preparing for Winter in the Adirondacks: Animals, Plants, & People
11 November 2013, 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Why don’t we see flowers in the fall? Why do crows roost in towns and cities during winter? Where have all the monarchs gone? How do plants, animals, and people bear the cold months in the Northern Forest? Join No School Days at the VIC on 11 November to explore these questions. During our discovery, friends will hike, listen, smell, measure, create, play, and act out preparing for winter. The program is designed for children aged 7-11.
Preregister by 5:00 PM, 9 November 2013 by calling 518-327-6241. The fee is $35 per person, $25 for Friends of the VIC.
Please dress your child in clothing appropriate for him/her to spend 2 active hours outdoors. Your child will also need to bring a lunch and snack to this event. Hot cocoa provided.
No School Days at the Paul Smiths VIC
This event is part of VIC's No School Days Program, which provides half-day and full-day environmental education sessions to teach children aged 7-11 to become VIC eco-explorers, learning about the natural world in the Adirondack Mountains. Activities include: hiking, exploring the marsh, playing games, and making arts and crafts. We will focus on sensory awareness, creative thinking, listening comprehension, empathy development, and having fun. No School Day programming is led by VIC Ecologist - Naturalist Michelle Berrus. For additional dates when No School Days programming is offered, click here.