Lectures and Workshops at the VIC
Susan Morse: Animals of the North
Monday, 4 January 2016
7:00 - 8:30 PM

Come to the VIC on Monday, 4 January, for a fascinating evening presentation. Susan Morse, a nationally known naturalist, wildlife biologist and photographer and executive director of Keeping Track– a non-profit organization which trains professional biologists and citizen scientists alike in wildlife monitoring skills – will present a program titled “Animals of the North, What Will Global Climate Change Mean for Them?” The presentation includes remarkable images of animals in both the arctic and northern habitats. The program is open to the public. Cost: $10. Ms Morse will also have spectacular calendars of her wildlife photos for sale ($40.00).
This program is designed to educate audiences about ways in which northern wildlife species are already being affected by climate change, with more serious challenges ahead. Canada lynx, moose, American marten, caribou, polar bears, arctic fox and arctic marine and waterfowl ecology are some of the species and subjects covered in this stunningly beautiful show. We promise not to overwhelm our audience with bad news. Instead, the program will devote equal time sharing remarkable images of animals and their northern habitats—all in the spirit of Jane Goodall’s “reason for hope.” The intent is to inspire attendees, young and old alike, to join in the vital crusade to change our fossil fuel-burning ways, conserve natural resources and share a healthy planet with all that lives.
Ms Morse is also leading a tracking workshop on 4 January, from 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Eight places are open to the public.
About Susan Morse: Coast to coast and from British Columbia to Mexico, Susan Morse is highly regarded as an expert in carnivore tracking and natural history. Founder and current Program Director of Keeping Track, Ms. Morse has more than thirty years of experience tracking and interpreting wildlife habitat use. She has been an active participant in Western Forest Carnivores Committee meetings and is a founding member of the Northeast Carnivore Conservation Working Group. Her research has focused on cougar, bobcat, black bear, and Canada lynx. She has given workshops on wild felids and other carnivores to a wide range of audiences, from the general public to wildlife experts. In 2001 Morse received the Franklin Fairbanks Award for her lifelong creative and dedicated service to enriching the awareness and understanding of the natural world among the residents of New England. Ms. Morse has authored many articles and is regularly featured in Northern Woodlands. She has also appeared in many other publications, including Smithsonian, Audubon, Amicus Journal, Forest Magazine, Wild Earth, The Nature Conservancy, Ranger Rick, as well as on NPR’s “Morning Edition”. Morse’s life work and photography is featured in The Woods Scientist by Stephen Swinburne (Houghton Mifflin, 2002).
Fifteen years ago, Morse founded Keeping Track, an organization devoted to training professional biologists and citizen scientists alike in wildlife monitoring skills. Keeping Track’s mission is to empower multiple stakeholders to use their knowledge to detect, record and monitor the status of wildlife and wildlife habitat in their communities. Data collected by Keeping Track teams has influenced the conservation of over 30,000 acres of habitat in twelve states and Quebec.