Historic Motion Pictures of Saranac Lake's Past
14 August 2012

On 14 August, award-winning producer and director Jim Griebsch will show Historic Films of Saranac Lake's Past -- a compilation of films and images that have rarely been seen by the general public. The motion picture footage taken in and around the village of Saranac Lake dates from the 1920s to the 1960s and includes many film clips of downtown scenes when the streets were shared by early automobiles and horse-drawn wagons. Films clips also include activities in Pontiac Bay, ice harvesting, President Calvin Coolidge's 1926 visit, winter carnival, and much more.
16mm and 8mm footage has been digitized in HD Video and edited
in an effort to provide a unique window on Saranac Lake's past.
This footage is part of the Kollecker film collection, archived
in the Adirondack Room of the Saranac
Lake Free Library.
The presentation begins at 7 PM. The film showing is free, but the gift of a donation in any amount to support the further restoration and preservation of the Kollecker Film Collection would be most appreciated.