Outdoor Painting Workshop
7 October 2012
9:00 AM until early afternoon

Adirondack artist Matt Burnett will teach Plein Air techniques at a workshop at the Paul Smiths VIC on Sunday, 7 October 2012. Painters will meet at 9:00 AM, with the class lasting until early afternoon. This Plein Air workshop will build on oil painting skills from beginner to intermediate. No prior painting experience necessary.
- What to bring: Clothes for fall weather (rain or shine), camera, and lunch. Art supplies will be provided.
- Cost: $50 fee includes all materials
- Registration deadline: Thursday, 4 October. Call the Paul Smiths VIC to register: 518-327-6241.
- More information about the workshop: Contact Matt Burnett, 518-524-6441 • burnettm@canton.edu
Burnett is a native of the Adirondacks, growing up in what
is now the William C. Whitney Wilderness Area. His interests in
painting and environmental conservation have combined into his
current practice, using various materials and processes to illuminate
the wilderness experience. Burnett is an Assistant Professor at
SUNY Canton, where he teaches in the Graphic and Multimedia Design
Program; and he has also worked for many years for the DEC as
an Assistant Forest Ranger. His work has been exhibited in regional
and international exhibitions. He currently lives in Saranac Lake
with his wife, Amy.

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