New Moon Art Show: Old Crows and Other Blackbirds
30 January - 28 February 2014
Artists' Reception: Sunday, 2 February 2014

The Paul Smiths VIC is hosting an art show in the Great Room Art Gallery featuring works by Anne Burnham, Ray Whalen, Geoff Cobb, Rebekah Wilkins–Pepiton, Michael Hart, Noreen Sadue, Linda Sauther, Arnold Sauther, and other friends from the Northern Foothills. The show runs from 30 January through 28 February 2014. There will be an artists' reception on Sunday, 2 February 2014, from 2:00 to 5:00 PM. Light refreshments. Free.
- Anne Burnham has been a studio potter for over 35 years. The seasonal beauty of the northern Adirondack foothills has been one of the inspirations for her work. She also likes to take a closer look at creatures such as turtles, frogs, dragonflies, and -- in this case -- Crows and Other Black Birds.
- Rebekah Wilkins–Pepiton is a photographer, designer, and print maker based in Canton, New York. She spends a lot of her time outside, observing how the natural world affects people. Much of her work includes birds of many kinds.
- Michael Hart has a studio and gallery in Malone, New York. He works in the disciplines of photography, sculpture, stained glass, painting, and music.
- Arnold Sauther is a retired art teacher who is now a full-time artist. Most of his recent paintings have been images celebrating nature’s forms, colors, and patterns. His favorite subjects are birds and plants, especially flowers.
- Linda Sauther's work is focused on rendering various aspects of nature through pen and ink drawings, print methods, and table mosaics. Her work evokes environmental awareness of birds and reveals the beauty of form in nature.
- Noreen Sadue is a painter, photographer, graphic designer, and art educator. These strands of her life weave together to provide continuous, creative inspiration. Her work has been exhibited throughout northeastern New York and Canada.
- Ray Whalen received his M.F.A from Cranbrook Academy of Art, Michigan, BFA from SUNY Oswego and teaching certification from St. Lawrence University. He is an art educator at Parishville-Hopkinton Central School, as well as an active painter, children's book illustrator, potter, photographer, print-maker, and graphic artist. He lives in South Colton inside the Adirondack Park where he enjoys outdoor activities and family.
- Geoff Cobb has been a sculptor for over thirty years. He lives and works in his home studio near Potsdam. He is comfortable working in many media. Images of crows and other birds have been part of his work since moving to the North Country.