New Moon Art Show:
Photography by Mike Lynch: Summit to Sea
8 February - 7 March 2016
Sunday, 21 February from 3:00 to 5:00 PM

Saranac Lake photographer Mike Lynch will display a collection of his nature images in the Great Room at the Paul Smith’s College VIC from 8 February to 7 March 2016. The exhibit, “Summit to Sea,” will include landscape and wildlife photographs from the Colorado Rockies, Atlantic Coast, and Adirondack Park. A meet the artist reception will be held on Sunday, 21 February from 3:00 to 5:00 PM.
Mike Lynch is an outdoors writer and photographer based in the Adirondack Park. Mike works part-time for the Adirondack Explorer, a bi-monthly newsmagazine specializing in environmental and recreation issues, and does freelance work. His articles and photos have been published by the Associated Press, Canoe and Kayak magazine, AMC Outdoors, Adirondack Life, New York Outdoor News, Seven Days, and numerous other media outlets. From 2007-2014, he worked as a full-time outdoors and sports writer for the Adirondack Daily Enterprise, the Park's only daily newspaper.
Mike is a three-time winner in the New York Associated Press Association's "Beat Reporting" category for his outdoors writing. He has won awards from the New York State Outdoor Writers Association, New York News Publishers Association, and Outdoor Writers Association of America. In 2011, he was honored by the Adirondack Mountain Club with its Eleanor F. Brown Communication Award.
An avid outdoorsman, Mike paddled the 740-mile Northern Forest Canoe Trail in 2011. He is a licensed guide in canoeing, hiking, and camping. He also enjoys fishing, backcountry skiing, and other outdoor pursuits.