Armchair Lecture Series:
Wildlife Rescue in Thailand
Thursday, 19 November 2015
7:00 - 8:30 PM

Join Nicole Schmidt for a presentation on her volunteer experience at the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand – a wildlife rescue center where she worked with animals such as Asian elephants, gibbons, and a Bengal tiger.
- The presentation will include photos and videos of her time in Thailand, combined with background information on Thailand and the work being done with the animals, the reasons why the animals are at the refuge, their lives before rescue, their lives at the refuge, and the outlook for their release back into the wild. .
- The presentation will also include an explanation of the dark side of exotic animals in entertainment, such as how the monkeys tourists take pictures with are treated and why they are so "calm" during the photo op. Asian elephants are not domesticated nor are they meant to be ridden or used for begging.

Nicole Schmidt is a Junior at Paul Smith's College, majoring in Wildlife Science. Her love of travel has taken her to eight countries around the world. She has been to Thailand three times, including twice as a volunteer with Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT). WFFT is an organization committed to the rescue of wildlife that have been in situations such as abuse, neglect, attacks, and accidents. WFFT also works to educate the community and the world about wildlife and the problems affecting them.
Cost of the lecture: $5 per person. Free for Friends of the VIC. The Arm Chair Lecture series will continue every other Thursday through the winter. Supported by the Friends of the VIC.