Armchair Traveler Series:
Mike Rechlin and Tom Boothe: The Nepal Earthquake
Thursday, 24 September 2015
7:00 - 8:30 PM

Mike Rechlin and Tom Boothe will give a lecture and slide show at the VIC auditorium on 24 September. They will focus on Nepal before the earthquake (and how much of it is still today!) and the earthquake recovery efforts and fundraisers.
- Mike, a long time Adirondacker, has lived in Nepal twice: once in the Peace Corps in the sixties, and then as a professor at a university in Pokhara Nepal in the nineties. He has been back many, many times since then as wel l– teaching, trekking, working for AID, and much more. He even speaks pretty fluent Nepali!
- Tom, a transplant to the Adirondacks in 2003, has accompanied Mike five times to Nepal, also teaching and trekking with him. He only knows a few phrases of Nepali, though!
Cost: $5 per person. Free for Friends of the VIC . The Arm Chair Traveler lecture series will continue every other Thursday through the winter. Supported by the Friends of the VIC.