Armchair Traveler Series:
Mount Rainer Ascent
Thursday, 8 October 2015
7:00 - 8:30 PM

Join Andrew McDonald of Paul Smith’s College as he tells of his adventures climbing Mount Rainer – a 14,410-foot mountain in the Cascade Range in Washington. Andrew studied Outdoor Recreation at SUNY ESF and has served as a Summit Steward at the Adirondack Mountain Club. He is currently an instructor of Adventure Education at PSC. This semester, he will be leading PSC Outing Program trips to the Adirondack High Peaks, as well as New York City. His favorite activities are hiking, climbing, and backpacking.
Cost: $5 per person. Free for Friends of the VIC . The Arm Chair Traveler lecture series will continue every other Thursday through the winter. Supported by the Friends of the VIC.