Armchair Lecture Series:
Adirondack Trails and Lodging
Thursday, 21 January 2016
7:00 - 8:30 PM

Join Jack Drury of Leading E.D.G.E. for an informative and entertaining lecture on Adirondack Trails and Lodging – a project to create a hut-to-hut system linking communities in the Adirondack Park. The trail system will be modeled after the Great Walks in New Zealand, the trekking network in Norway, and the Camino de Santiago in Spain. The project is designed to to expand outdoor recreational opportunities in the Adirondack Park.
Jack K. Drury is co-owner of Leading E.D.G.E. and serves as Vice President and CFO. He has been facilitating experiential learning at an international level for over 25 years and currently provides training to educators throughout North America, the United Kingdom and the Middle East. He is Professor Emeritus of North Country Community College having founded and directed the college’s Wilderness Recreation Leadership Program for nearly twenty years. He is past president of the Wilderness Education Association and co-author of the definitive wilderness leadership text The Backcountry Classroom: Lessons, Tools, and Activities for Teaching Outdoor Leaders as well as The Camper's Guide to Outdoor Pursuits: Finding Safe, Nature Friendly, Comfortable Passage Through Wild Places. He is a contributing author to Hiking and Backpacking, Adventure Education: Theory and Application, and The Wilderness Educator.
Cost of the lecture: $5 per person. Free for Friends of the VIC. The Arm Chair Lecture series will continue every other Thursday through the winter. Supported by the Friends of the VIC.