Adirondack Wildflowers:  Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera repens) at the Paul Smiths VIC (30 July 2012)

Adirondack Wildflowers:
Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera repens)

Adirondack Wildflowers:  Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera repens) blooming on the Boreal Life Trail at the Paul Smiths VIC (30 July 2012) Adirondack Wildflowers: Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain blooming on the Boreal Life Trail (30 July 2012)
This page is no longer being updated.  For an updated and expanded version of this material, see: Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera repens).

Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera repens) is a native Adirondack wildflower and a member of the orchid family which blooms in shady moist coniferous or mixed woods, on mossy or humus-covered ground. The small white flowers grow on one side of a spike. The dark green leaves form a basal rosette and usually have wide whitish reticulations. The stem of the plant is five to ten inches tall. This plant is also known as Lesser Rattlesnake Plantain.

Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain can be found on all northern continents. In the US, it is found throughout the northeast in cold, deep woods, mostly in the mountains.

Although the plant is not edible, it has been used for medicinal purposes. Cherokee tribes reportedly used it as a blood tonic, burn dressing, and cold remedy. Other native Americans are said to have used the roots and leaves for stomach diseases.

Adirondack Wildflowers:  Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain (Goodyera repens) foliage on the Boreal Life Trail at the Paul Smiths VIC (30 July 2012)Adirondack Wildflowers: Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain foliage on the Boreal Life Trail (30 July 2012)

Dwarf Rattlesnake Plantain is found along the upland portions of the Boreal Life Trail at the Paul Smiths VIC, where it blooms briefly in late July or early August.


Explore the VIC

The Paul Smiths VIC offers a wide variety of programs throughout the year to educate and inform Adirondack Park residents and visitors about the natural wonders of the Adirondack Mountains. You can help support these programs by joining the Friends of the VIC. More information on Friends of the VIC memberships

Explore the Trails

The VIC trails are free and open to the public, from dawn to dusk, spring through fall. In winter, the trails are open to cross-country skiers and snowshoers for a fee. Day or season passes may be purchased.