Plein Air Festival Paints the VIC
16 August 2016

Paul Smiths VIC will once again be a featured location for the
Plein Air Festival, held this year from 15 - 20 August. Tuesday,
16 August is "Paint the VIC" day, when artists will
take advantage of the natural settings on various VIC trails:
mountains, old growth forest, bogs, streams, marsh, beaver lodges,
and Adirondack lean-tos. Spectators are welcome throughout the day. Free.
The Adirondack Plein Air Festival itself begins 15 August when artists may check in at the Adirondack Artists Guild in Saranac Lake. Thursday, 18 August will be "Paint the Town" day, with artists painting in the Village of Saranac Lake. On Friday morning, 19 August, artists are invited to paint the Saranac River and mountain views at the Saranac Lake Fish & Game Club. A "Plein Air Preview Party" will be held the evening of Friday, 19 August, at the Town Hall, where the winners will be announced. The free "Show & Sale" opens to the public at noon on Saturday, 20 August, from noon to 5:00 PM, when 250-300 wet paintings, created during the previous 4 days, will be on display. For more information: Sandy Hildreth, 518-891-1388 or
For the 2015 Adirondack Plein Air Festival, the artist providing "the most unique expression of the landscape at the Paul Smith’s College VIC" was given an award which included the opportunity for a solo exhibit at the VIC. The winner – Jodie Maurer – will exhibit her Impasto landscapes of the Adirondacks at the New Moon Art Show from 1 August through 2 September 2016. Free admission.