Plein Air Festival Paints the VIC
18 August 2015

Paul Smiths VIC will once again be a featured location for the
Plein Air Festival, held this year from 17 - 22 August. Tuesday,
18 August is "Paint the VIC" day, when artists will
take advantage of the natural settings on various VIC trails:
mountains, old growth forest, bogs, streams, marsh, beaver lodges,
and Adirondack lean-tos. Spectators are welcome throughout the day. Free.
A chicken BBQ dinner will be held at the VIC at 5:00 PM (tickets will need to be purchased in advance). During the BBQ, winners of the raffle of two paintings will be drawn. The paintings were donated by Sandra Hildreth and Nancy Brossard.
The festival itself begins 17 August with a "Meet the Artists" reception at the Adirondack Artists Guild Gallery in Saranac Lake. The festival includes a "Paint the Town" day on Thursday, 20 August and a "Paint the Saranac River Day" on Friday, 21 August. For more information: Sandy Hildreth, 518-891-1388 or