Plein Air Festival Paints the VIC
16 August 2013

The Paul Smiths VIC will once again be a featured location for the Adirondack Plein Air Festival, held this year from 15-18 August. Friday, 16 August is "Paint the VIC" day, when artists will take advantage of the natural settings on various VIC trails: mountains, old growth forest, bogs, streams, marsh, beaver lodges, and Adirondack lean-tos. Spectators are welcome throughout the day. Free.
A reception for an
exhibit of plein air paintings will also be held that evening at the VIC, from 5:00 -
7:00 PM. Light refreshments
will be served at the reception.
Prefestival events include a workshop -- The Art of Expressive Drawing -- led by skilled teaching artist Frances Gafney. The workshop will take place on Wednesday, 14 August at the Paul Smiths VIC.
The festival itself begins August 15 with the "Paint the Town" event, "Paint the VIC" on 16 August, "Paint the Adirondacks" on 17 August, and a Show & Sale in the Town Hall from 12 - 4 pm on 18 August. August 15th is a 3rd Thursday ArtWalk, just like the year before. There will once again be a "Paint the Town" Silent Auction that will be at the Adirondack Artists Guild, 52 Main Street, starting at 4 pm on Thursday, 15 August and conclude at the Town Hall at 3 pm on Sunday, 18 August. For more information, seeĀ or contact Sandra Hildreth at 518-891-1388 or