the Adirondacks:
Mushroom Walk
8 August 2012

Mushrooms of the Paul Smiths VIC
On 8 August 2012, mushroom expert Susan Hopkins led a walk on Paul Smiths VIC trails to identify different mushrooms that grow in the Adirondack Mountains. Our walk covered portions of the Heron Marsh Trail (from the VIC building to the floating bridge) and portions of the Silviculture Trail (from the floating bridge to the VIC building). Despite the fact that the weather prior to our walk had been quite dry, we found a great many mushrooms. Ms Hopkins identified 27 different mushrooms, most of them on the Heron Marsh Trail in mixed hardwood-conifer forest.
Suillus Americanus | Gymnopilus sp |
Agarucus sp | Suillus placidus |
Russula compacta | Ganoderma applanatum |
Suillus granulatus | Laccaria sp |
Amanita flavoconia | Hygrophorus nitidus |
Hygrophorus conicus | Hygrophorus sp |
Suillus pictus | Fomitopsis pinicola |
Amanita fulva | Agaricus sp |
Russula sp | Amanita Rubescens |
Amanita brunnescens | Fuligineo alba |
Coltricia perennis | Phellodon alboniger |
Gymnopus dryophilus | Mycena pura |
Gymnopilus sp | Trichaptum abietinum |
Phaeolus schweinitzii |