Gardening with Limited Mobility
Saturday, 7 May 2016
10:00 AM

The key to gardening with a disability lies in eliminating the physical boundaries that would otherwise make gardening burdensome or impossible. Achieving this often necessitates modifying basic garden structures to make them more accessible. This is best accomplished by bringing the soil up to a comfortable, workable height through the use of containers, hanging baskets, raised beds, planter tables, and trellises. Choosing plants that you, the gardener, enjoy growing and eating, but that don’t require a tremendous amount of upkeep, should be a consideration, as well.
While millions of aging gardeners live with some sort of physical disability, gardening remains perhaps the single, most practiced leisure activity enjoyed by people age 55 or older. Many continue to garden in spite of arthritis, an accident, a back injury, or an aggressive health condition. They adhere to a few basic techniques and enjoy a better quality of life. They look forward to the harvest and they continue to reap the health benefits that only gardening can bring. There is no reason to give up the pleasures of a favorite pastime just because a disability has come into the picture.
Learn more by attending this lecture offered by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Franklin County in the theater at the Interpretive Building at 10:00 AM on Saturday, 7 May 2016. Free.