Birding the Adirondacks:
Winter Birding Trip to Lake Champlain
Saturday, 11 January 2014
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM

Join the Adirondack Birding Center on a trip to the shores, farm fields, and meadows of the picturesque Champlain Valley, one of the best areas to go birding in the North Country. We'll search for waterfowl on the lake, hawks along the farm fields, and finches feeding in the hedgerows. Forty species could be observed on this full-day event.
Birds seen in the Champlain Valley include:
We'll meet in the VIC building and travel by van to the Champlain valley, stopping at various birding hot spots. Although we will be birding from the comfort of a 12-passenger van, we'll also be spending time outdoors at the various stops, so dress appropriately for the weather. Bring a bag lunch and hot beverage.
The cost is $75 per person. There is a 25% discount for Friends of the VIC. Preregistration is required; please call 518-327-6241 to register.