Birding the Adirondacks:
Halloween Birding Trip to the Lake Champlain Valley
Saturday, 31 October 2015
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Join Naturalist Brian McAllister for an eerie day of late fall birdwatching along the Lake Champlain Valley, as we search and try to scare-up numerous waterfowl, raptors, and late fall migrants. Our planned stops throughout this comfortable van-driven, ghoulish adventure will be along the autumnal-speckled shoreline of Lake Champlain.
We hope to see a total of 35-40 species on the trip. We'll look for flocks of Snow Geese, water birds such as the gangly Double-crested Cormorant, raptors such as Northern Harrier, late fall migrants such as Ruby-crowned Kinglets and Yellow-rumped Warblers, and waterfowl such as Common Goldeneye, Red-necked Grebe, and Bufflehead,
We'll meet promptly at the VIC Front Desk by 7:45 AM and travel by van to the Champlain valley, stopping at various birding hot spots. Although we will be birding from the comfort of a 12-passenger van, we'll also be spending time outdoors at the various stops, so dress appropriately for the weather. Bring a bag lunch and hot beverage.
The cost is $75 per person or $65 for Friends of the VIC. Early Bird Special! $55 before 21 October. Preregistration is required by 29 October; please call 518-327-6241 to register.