Annual Reason2Smile Trail Run/Walk
Saturday, September 17, 2011 8:00 AM
Paul Smith's VIC trails

Reason2Smile is US-based nonprofit organization. Its mission is to financially assist impoverished orphans and at-risk children living in developing countries and strive to create healthy sustainable environments through local revenue producing projects. Reason2Smile currently supports one school and orphanage in Kenya (Jambo Jipya School) and is planning to broaden its support base to help more at-risk children. The annual Reason2Smile Trail Run/Walk is one of the ways Reason2Smile raised funds for this purpose.
This year's Reason2Smile Trail Run took place on 17 September 17 at Paul Smith's College Visitor's Interpretive Center (VIC). Twenty-six runners/walkers participated; and over $1,000 was raised.